
🤖 Machine Learning

1. ML algorithms from scratch

  • Summary: My implementation of classical ml-algorithms from scratch in NumPy.
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2. Anomaly-Detection in Financial transactions

  • Objective: To identify malicious(anomalous/fraud) transactions in a highly imbalanced data with a class ratio of 1000:17 (normal:malicious).
  • Designed a custom Deep Auto-Encoder model using TensorFlow which achieved:
    1. A Recall score of 0.85 (successfully identifies 85 out of every 100 malicious transactions).
    2. A 6.5% False Positive Rate (~6-7 transactions in every 100 transactions labeled as malicious are actually normal).

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📃 Natural Language Processing

News Topic Classification

  • Objective: To label a news sample with one-of-four pre-defined News Topics(World, Sports, Business, Sci/Tech).
  • Designed custom LSTM and Bi-LSTM models which acheived performance scores of 91.44% and 92.34% Test Accuracies respectively.

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👁️ Computer Vision

Image Classification on CIFAR100

  • Objective: To classify images into one-of-hundred pre-defined image classes using a small training dataset(500 images per class).
  • Implemented VGG16 and ResNet9 CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) models from scratch in PyTorch. ResNet9 performed better with a 74.32% Test Accuracy.
  • Applied Transfer Learning using EfficientNet which performed the best with 81.31% Test Accuracy. More details can be found below.

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📈 Data Science

Wine Quality Analysis

  • Objective: To perform a Statistical Analysis on the White Wine dataset, comprising 4898 wine samples with 12 chemical properties.
  • Conducted various hypothesis tests like Z-test, F-test, and T-test, which includes testing for legal limits, quality assurance, and business development.
  • Conducted Regression Analysis with - Model Adequacy Tests and Model Diagnostics. Finally reported the most important chemical properties contributing to the quality of the wine.

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